Half banner

Showcase your ad message and reach United-Albania.com visitors while they are looking on city guide pages by placing a half banner ad in the left, middle, or right column of the page. You may choose to substitute this placement for an 190 x 40 logo plus headline and text links.


Half banner
Display dimensions240 width x 60 height
File size10k maximum
Approved file formatsGIF, JPG
Alt text65 characters maximum including spaces
Third-party servingAllowed
Submission deadlineThree full business days before start date for GIF, and JPG

100 x 40 logo plus headline and text links
Display dimensions100 width x 40 height
File size5k maximum
Approved file formatsGIF, JPG
Alt text65 characters maximum including spaces
Third-party servingNot allowed
Headline60 characters maximum, including spaces
Up to two text links60 characters maximum each, including spaces
Submission deadlineThree full business days before start date.
Last Updated ( Friday, 28 October 2005 )