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  1   varri-skenderbeut-permendorja4.jpg
hits = 1851
5 votes
> Lezha: Photo Album
  2   tirana-albania-guide1-_14.jpg
hits = 5284
3 votes
> Tirana: Photo Album
  3   mosquite-xhami-tirana-alban.jpg
hits = 3210
3 votes
> Tirana: Photo Album
  4   durresi-albania-view5.jpg
hits = 4581
3 votes
> Durresi in Photos
  5   albanian-riviera-dhermiu-be6.jpg
hits = 7382
3 votes
> Vlora in Photos
  6   tirana-albania-guide1-04.jpg
hits = 8106
3 votes
> Tirana: Photo Album
  7   albania-vlora-new-building1.jpg
hits = 5504
3 votes
> Vlora in Photos
  8   durresi-amphitheatre-albania6.jpg
hits = 2400
3 votes
> Durresi in Photos
  9   durresi-albania-view1.jpg
hits = 6015
2 votes
> Durresi in Photos
  10   rradhime-vlore-riviera6.jpg
hits = 5854
2 votes
> Vlora in Photos
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