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albanianflag.pngFormal Name: Republic of Albania (Republika e Shqiperise in Albanian)
Short Form: Albania (Shqiperi in Albanian)
Term for Citizens: Albanian(s)
Capital: Tiranë
Date of Independence: November 28, 1912 is a national holiday celebrated as Liberation Day
Flag: The official flag of the Republic of Albania is a black two-headed eagle centered on a red background.

Size: 28,750 square kilometers (land area 27,400 square kilometers, water 1,350 square km)
Location: Southeastern coast of the Adriatic Sea and the eastern part of the Strait of Otranto, opposite the heel of the Italian boot; between approximately 40° and 43° north latitude.
Topography: A little over 20 percent is coastal plain, some of it poorly drained. Mostly hills and mountains, often covered with scrub forest. The only navigable river is the Bunë.
Climate: Mild temperate; cool, cloudy, wet winters with a January low of 5°C; hot, clear, dry summers with a July high of 28°C; interior is cooler and wetter.
Boundaries: Land boundaries total 720 kilometers; borders with Greece 282 kilometers; border with former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 151 kilometers; border with Serbia 114 kilometers; border with Montengro 173 kilometers; coastline 362 kilometers.
Elevation extremes: lowest point: Adriatic Sea 0 m & highest point: Maja e Korabit (Korab) 2,753

Last Updated ( Monday, 27 March 2006 )
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