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Albania Tourist Guide
Welcome the redesigned United Albania Website. This website will provide information about Albania, Tourist information, Travel news.
Also we will provide city guides, hotels in Albania, Travel Agencies, and other Tourist Info.

Everyone of you could contribute with materials and information to enhance this site. You need to be a registered member to have the rights to submit informations about Albania, news etc. An administrator will look on this info and will publish it.

Thank you very much for contributing on creating the most inform Albania Related portal.

United-Albania.com Team

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Albanian Tourist Guide of hotels & accommodation
Albania Tourist Guide & lastminutecorfu.gr Print E-mail
In order to create new contet and to offer more info to our visitors we started a new cooperation with tow travel operators located in Greece and offers travel services to albania.
Lastminutecorfu.gr (Vidos travel located in Corfu) offers travel services like hotel accommodation in Corfu and Saranda on southern Albania.
Hellas Ferries Center located in Athens Greece offers ferry tickets on routes Italy-Albania (Durres & Vlore Ports) operated by Greek Ferries companies Ventouris Ferries & Agoudimos Lines
These travel Operators will provide to our site fresh content on tours to Albania, accommodation in Albania like Hotels, villas, apartments and all ferry tickets services for connnections Italy-Albania operated by Greek Ferries Companies. Any new offer availiable will publish here first.
Last Updated ( Friday, 05 August 2005 )
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